2020 Seminar Keynote Speakers
Rachel Giannini
Rachel’s writing, expertise, and videos have appeared in Vox, The New York Times, HuffPost, Child Care Exchange, and Chicago Parent. Rachel has an MFA in Museum Education from the University of Illinois and is a volunteer hospital magician for Open Heart Magic. Learn more about Rachel: rachelgiannini.com. Mon., Sept. 14 Keynote Session: “I can’t stop thinking of my moment. I know on the hardest of days I will have that to drive me.” - THREAD Alaska Greg Hawks
As a Keynote Speaker, he is an enthusiastic character. His style, wit and energy consistently capture the attention and imagination of audiences. His forward thinking contributes fresh perspectives that work. He’s annoyingly optimistic, contagiously energetic and slightly mischievous. People tend to like him. Through Hawks Agency, he originated the Like An Owner® platform. Compelled by the principle that individuals who Think, Act, Lead and Create Like An Owner® will be more fulfilled and productive. Organizations who commit to implement an Ownership Culture will find deeper loyalty, stronger results and rapid growth consistently. Learn more about Greg: hawksagency.com. Wed., Sept. 16 Keynote Session: |