2019 Annual Licensing Seminar: Building a Regulatory Culture Based Upon Social Responsibility
NARA recognizes that regulation, by definition, involves the use of governmental authority. Public trust and consumer confidence and respect require that regulators use their authority with integrity. The 2019 NARA Professional Development Committee is seeking session proposals for Seminar content embodying NARA's Code of Ethics equipping you with practical tactics to build a regulatory culture based on social responsibility.
Suggested topics and target audiences include, but are not limited to:
Ethical Practices
NARA's Code of Ethics in practice
Legal & Enforcement
Processes & Procedures
Principles & Practices
Regulator-Provider Relationship
Adult Care (including seniors, adults with disabilities & addiction)
Child Care
Child Welfare
Best Practices
Who's at the Annual Licensing Seminar
In-person attendees from across the United States and Canada
Regulators, researchers and providers with backgrounds in child care, child welfare and adult care
Workshops will be either 60 or 90 minutes.
Please note that NARA is unable to provide reimbursement for presenter expenses; however, a discounted registration rate for the full Seminar will be offered to one presenter per workshop. Before submitting a proposal, please ensure that you will be able to attend the Seminar in order to help us avoid cancellations.
All submitted session proposals will be reviewed by the Professional Development Committee.
You will be notified whether or not your proposal has been accepted for the Seminar. Please direct any questions to: [email protected] or 888-674-7052.